By Anonymous - 08/11/2010 01:13 - United States
Same thing different taste
Do it again!
By immy504 - 30/11/2011 05:39 - United States
By Lame - 10/07/2011 00:19 - United States
By ahuman - 29/09/2013 05:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/05/2013 06:29 - United States
By notarobber - 15/05/2013 07:20 - United States - Los Angeles
By bbbkingsey - 23/07/2009 07:10 - United States
Fight Club
By Nose bleed - 16/04/2014 02:48 - Canada - North Vancouver
By cganon - 21/09/2010 12:44 - United Kingdom
By jessica - 17/02/2009 23:56 - United States
By Braxam - 15/06/2011 16:42 - United States
Top comments
You deserve it for thinking you're a ninja!
You sound made up. Just saying.
the kids right you are an imposter! once i was raped by a ninja but i didnt notice
25, idk why u think rape is funny or something that u can just say to be cool. As a rape victim I'm very offended by your comment. However, I will not take it personal because I'm sure that when you wrote that u didn't think that it could possibly hurt/offend anyone since people here just say random stuff trying to be funny. it's as if they had "typing diareah". I'm sure the grammar Nazis will find errors in this but I honestly don't care so save ur comments. thank you.
The little boy ftw
You didn't see that coming did you???? :D
Selena, I believe he did see it coming, but decided to jut stand there and take the hit anyway...
looks like someone should have worn their "It's true, I'm a loser" shirt today........
haha ydi for thinking those shirts are actually cool.
67, win!
that's an MLIA story dumbasses
Losers don't wear funny t-shirts! Therefore, you shouldn't be so rude. That's just plain rude. I am not a loser and I wear hilarious shirts.
I... probably would've caught that. I'm not kidding, all my friends say I have ninja reflexes.
Ydi, the kid was right.
This'll definitely make me think twice before ever wearing my "I've got mad ninja skills" t-shirt in public.
Shuriken his ass!
I remember reading those comics
Byakugan would have seen that in an instant!
A true ninja wouldn't be shopping.
A true ninja is never caught for that 5 finger discount!
A true ninja wouldn't have been seen by the kid...
A true ninja wouldn't have "It's True, I'm a ninja" in their shirts.
C-C-C-Combo Breaker!
a true ninja would lend me ten bucks so I can buy that shirt :P
Look at you, ruining little kids' hopes and dreams of ninjas. You might as well become a terrorist dressed as the easter bunny.
A true Ninja is one with their surroundings, they don't advertise. I learned that when I used to be a Ninja...
43 stole the words out of my mouth haha
I used to be a ninja. But then I took an arrow to the knee
YDI for falsely advertising.
^ Justin Beiber's ******* crazy.
sigh ive been called that from my family. i think its a problem o.O and i invented the little flippy thing. not him. ffs.
193 YDI for not knowing.
Now, maybe I don't know anything about being a ninja, being from Idaho, Nebraska City, Pennsyljersey and all, but walking around with a shirt telling people you're a ninja, then failing to exert simple ninja-like reflexes is not only lying, but stupid. The way I see it, that boy is more ninja than you'll ever be. Be thankful it was just an apple or you wouldn't have lived to post this FML.
a true ninja would have peeled the apple with his iris
and then had his second pet arthur, the unicorn/penguin/cat, otherwise know as the unipecat uni•pe•cat. eat the apple throw it up and have chuck norris rise from the puke, while playing classical music on his acoustic guitar with his less known second cousin fabio while laying upon the floor infront of them is the old spice guy upon the unipecat, arthur. when sudden hurculies falls down from the sky with his best friend harry potter while levatating over 500 tons of exploding dynamite with a sleeping newborn baby.
Wow. That'd be a million times more... awesome ? interesting ? if that was all typed up on the spot with no thinking whatsoever.
Bahaha @ #19... WIN
don't encourage his stupidity.... that comment wasn't even funny at all, especially the part about chuck Norris
45-it was actually typed on the spot :D
number 19 is my new hero =)
YDI forthink you can be a ninja. Only males can. It's part of the Ninja code. But they make exceptions.
dude i heard about that master suzuki just emailed me what they must do. walk on 5 miles of glass that is on fire. but thats too easy right?
Way too easy. Infact, that is a fake. Must've been sent by juniors to get kicked out. The Master would find that task offensive. Don't do it. It's not worth it. Plus you can tell if it's by Master himself.
You chauvinist dick. You've never heard of kunoichi??

You deserve it for thinking you're a ninja!
Ydi, the kid was right.