In New York, concrete jungle wet dream tomato

By Anonymous - 18/02/2023 02:00

Today, my brain seemingly went on vacation and I forgot the lyrics to a song I was performing in front of a live audience, so I ended up ad-libbing a bunch of garbage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 695
You deserved it 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Early-onset dementia has become the recurring theme here.

Don't feel bad, OP. Ed Sheeran made his fortune from doing the same thing. People these days will listen to the crappiest crap to have ever been crapped out.


Early-onset dementia has become the recurring theme here.

Don't feel bad, OP. Ed Sheeran made his fortune from doing the same thing. People these days will listen to the crappiest crap to have ever been crapped out.