Fuzzy memory

By Kreen - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff

Today, I realized that mixing alcohol with my medication causes me to lose my memory. I went to see my favorite band in concert last night and I can't remember a single song they played. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 203
You deserved it 44 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well it's pretty obvious alcohol and medication don't mix! It probably said it on the information on the medications package. You fully deserve it

Do they not say on the prescription not to drink with alchohol..Learn to ready buddy...YDI


Gene06 3

Well duh the bottle says don't mix with alcohol pretty much 99 percent of the time

Apparently no one on FML parties who doesn't mix alcohol with pharmaceuticals

isis_morrigan 18

great job hero! those little labels they put on there that plainly say "do not consume alcohol while on this medication" or something along those lines, they don't put that crap on the bottles simply because they are bored. you should actually read them and follow the directions! always pay attention to what it says you cannot have or take while on a med, you can die! then again, darwins theory of evolution, i guess we could look at your behavior as chlorine in the gene pool!

Was either xanax or a narcotic pain med I'm guessing. Be careful.

wuzzup969 2

You sure u weren't just drunk?

It was probably nickleback no worries op they have that effect on people. You deserve it dumb ass. Have you never taken a health class or heard all the warnings about alcohol and meds?