
By Anonymous - 13/03/2012 02:04 - United States

Today, my grandparents visited. My grandpa kept getting off the couch and walking around to "stretch his legs." He kept kicking out my computer's network cable and messing up my game, smirking each time he did it. When I complained, my mom told me to shut up and show some respect. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 691
You deserved it 28 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're mom is right, if your grandparents are visiting, you should be visiting with them not playing a freakin computer game


I honostly think you deserve thi because you were ignored your grandparents to play some game. Yes I play computer games, for several hours a day, but if family comes over to visit I will not log onto the computer so I can spend time with them. You're grandpa was trying to show you how rude it was to ignore them.

Omg!dude same here.i hav the same issue at home at least urs dont live with u

cunningchick 1

You need to show some respect,

Your mom was right. You should pay attention when people are visiting you. Did you never learn manners?

Danielt104 6

Holy shit! Trolldad is evolving to Trollgrandpa!

This is when you "stretch" your legs and trip his ass. You just don't mess with a person computer cords. Especially while a game is being played

How about you don't play videogames when your grandparents are visiting?

cajekraze 7

Would it kill you to not play for a while? sounds like Grandpa just wants to visit with you

kkiang33 0

ya show some respect. they came to visit. im sure you dont see them often. plus if it wasnt for your grandparents you wouldnt have parents therefore there would be no you. think about it...