Geography lessons

By nootnoot - 10/05/2016 06:33 - New Zealand - Tauranga

Today, some people in my class here in New Zealand found out that I'm from Canada, then spent the rest of the period asking if I had a pet moose and whether or not I lived in an igloo. They were completely genuine questions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 778
You deserved it 1 490

Same thing different taste


This is an outrage. Those kinds of questions are patented by America! Stop stealing our thing New Zealand. Don't make us come to Africa!

I am from Australia and live in Texas America. When people find out I get asked do i ride a kangaroo to school and whether or not we have phones and cars.

And you hadn't confirmed? When someone asks me about polar bears and stuff in Poland, of course I confirm. I talk about how we breed and train them and that if you think your cat's shedding is bad you should see the one of a polar bear!

Jenbearish 23

I moved from NZ to Australia when I was in primary school. They thought my accent was hilarious and asked stupid questions. I was the biggest novelty for the first month. I travelled to Canada about 5 years ago and I think that everyone we met was so lovely there. They would ask what it's like in NZ and we thought it was very similar. Please know that not all kiwis are like that.

It would have to be a joke if they're kiwis

That happen to me when I moved from Hawaii to the states of the United States. All the questions I was asked made me think if they knew their 50th states or not.

FalloutScrolls 25

I would have looked at them like "What are you talking aboot, eh?"

As an Australian living in Canada, trust me, the grass is no greener...