Geography major

By dating a fucking idiot - 08/09/2012 19:16 - United States

Today, my father bet me $200 that since my boyfriend is "such a stupid shit," he wouldn't be able to locate Paraguay on a map. I gladly accepted the bet. Not only did he not know where it is, he actually accused us of making the country up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 903
You deserved it 13 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

6 some people don't know where it is, doesn't mean you have to call them idiots. It's not like you were born and you already knew the whole map

Psych101 9

I'm pretty sure anyone with a decent education knows where it is. At the very least they should know that it exists.


I graduated with straight A's and in the top 10 of my class... I couldn't have told you where it was.. Sorry to say, I guess? Not like knowing where Paraguay is is really going to affect my life.

Epikouros 31

Some reasons to know Paraguay exists: - It's the only country that was largely colonized by Jesuit missionaries. - It's the only former European colony where white people were once not allowed to marry each other. - On a related note, it's the only country where most people who are not native Americans speak a native American language (Guaraní). - It's the only country that lost the majority of its population in a war. No, not because they lost half of their land, but because most people died.

Dont matter if he is dumb long as the love is mutal

Because all boyfriends should know where random un-important countries are.

Determining something as complex as intelligence by someone's knowledge of a single subject seems idiotic to me. Is intelligence determined by how many things you know? Is it determined by how you can use knowledge? Is it the ability to logically deduce facts from observations? Here's the definition according to a dictionary: " The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge." From this, I can deduce that intelligence is determined by how efficiently you can acquire and use knowledge. I'd strongly doubt the reasoning of someone who would base someone's intellectual potential on whether he's aware of a single fact. The end. (Of the world, yes)

How do you go through schooling and NEVER hear of that country? US education system at it's finest right there!

OP, your boyfriend isn't too bright if he would immediately jump to the conclusion that something doesn't exist just because he's never heard of it. You, however, are not much smarter for betting on him. Surely you must have had some idea of his intelligence (or lack thereof), and there wasn't really a good reason to feel you had to prove your father wrong. Unless, of course, the $200 was that enticing.

YDI for dating such a stupid shit. Idk you, but I'm sure you can do better.