Geography major

By dating a fucking idiot - 08/09/2012 19:16 - United States

Today, my father bet me $200 that since my boyfriend is "such a stupid shit," he wouldn't be able to locate Paraguay on a map. I gladly accepted the bet. Not only did he not know where it is, he actually accused us of making the country up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 903
You deserved it 13 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

6 some people don't know where it is, doesn't mean you have to call them idiots. It's not like you were born and you already knew the whole map

Psych101 9

I'm pretty sure anyone with a decent education knows where it is. At the very least they should know that it exists.


That's a pretty steep bet to take on locating a foreign country. When I was in HS, I could have probably pointed out any country. But now I'm 27 and have forgotten most of the details. If you asked me to point out Paraguay, I might end up picking one of the countries next to it. I have a general idea of the area it is in, but not a perfect memory.

L1wolf 6

Banking on someone else is allways a let down

Being able to find a foreign country on a map is not a sign of intelligence, nor is not being able to find it a lack thereof.

The awkward moment when I don't know where that is...

Blake6172 12

Where is that country at? I ain't never heard of it?

that's so rude. knowing where a country is on a map has nothing to do with your intelligence. how many people would have honestly heard of Paraguay?!

vikingchick 22

Growing up we NEVER talked about South America in any of my grades. We were too focused on Europe. :/