Get it done

By Anonymous - 28/09/2023 00:02 - Germany

Today, I work in aircraft ground handling. My employer is short-staffed and told us to stop even trying to load people’s luggage onto the plane with them, and to just throw it on a huge heap in the basement and sort it all out in a few months when things are less busy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 813
You deserved it 94

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, **** no. that's just opening up to a huge lawsuit right there. That's not how it works. That's like adding fire to fire and wondering why it hasn't gone out...I hope you continue doing it right and report them higher up if you can. They sound super incompetent.


Oh, **** no. that's just opening up to a huge lawsuit right there.

Adding this to my list of reasons to avoid flying as much as possible. That's not how it works. That's like adding fire to fire and wondering why it hasn't gone out...I hope you continue doing it right and report them higher up if you can. They sound super incompetent.

Why's it your FML? Sounds like your boss made your life a whole lot easier. Just make sure you quit before the shit hits the fan.

tiptoppc 19

You mean the boss hits the propellor? That’s what a lawyer will do a la indiana jones style once people find out that supervisor did that.

call the news they love to shit on airlines and prey on the panic that your vacation will be ruined

please tell us which airline... so we don't use them