Get me the manager

By WhyMe - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I called the car repair shop to complain to the manager about their tow driver who keeps making sexual passes at me. The girl taking my call started crying and said that their driver was her husband. I'm being sexually harassed, my car is dead, and I think I just ended a marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 226
You deserved it 4 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cars eventually die, the cheating bastard was bound to get caught, and your pretty? Cheer up bro.

Aw, that's sad. At least you helped the woman out by letting her know what a pig her husband is.


You didn't end a marriage, OP. The slimebag married man who made sexual passes at you did. Definitely FYL that this man couldn't muster the self-control not to harass you.

Indeed. This was completely out of your control, OP.

Wasn't your fault. You did her a favour.

Thank you for being the first to notice this. Everyone else seems to be stuck on the fact that the guy is a dick.

foryoublue94 0

Everything is ruined, I am legitimately sad because of this FML.

pikagirl222 1

poor girl. fhl not just yours

Petunia888 13

I think this should be a FHerL since she just found out her husband did her wrong like that.

was the girl who took your call cute? if so all is not lost.....silver lining

redhedsaysrawr 18

OP is a female... I swear sometimes i think you people just take on look at the first 3 words of the FML and come to your own conclusion...

im glad u told the truth tho. any later she woulda found out itd be TOO late.