By sandyhome - 11/04/2011 15:20 - United States
Same thing different taste
By tacoboy - 21/08/2009 08:06 - United States
By Jebus - 23/01/2009 13:31 - Canada
By Anonymous - 25/05/2021 00:01
Karaoke Dinner Disaster
By Jonathan Park - 05/03/2020 09:06 - Canada - Richmond Hill
By ol faithful - 03/09/2011 09:24 - Canada
By shwasted - 22/02/2010 05:17 - United States
By pistonsunshine - 10/10/2009 18:06 - United States
He's a keeper
By Anonymous - 19/12/2022 15:00
By Chaznuts - 08/09/2009 06:22 - Australia
Third wheel of the third wheel
By jon - 26/02/2024 00:00 - United States - San Diego
Top comments
first bitchess
that sucks
first haha all u are just jealous, but that's sucks for you op you should just tell her you'll ride her instead if her boyfriend
"Her boyfriend" = Not happening.
Not only "not happening", but THANKFULLY not happening. OP got out lucky! Seriously, who wants to date a girl with a boyfriend who drinks beer by the gallon on a non-date?? (PS, if you raise your hand I'm going to make a crude Arkansas joke at your expense ... and it will probably have something to do with your family tree not forking)
so... did you have a good time?
she prolly has a crazy beer belly drinking that much beer
Sounds like you have high standards OP
and women say we are pigs?
this is epic shit ha! she a **** probably
classy as ****
she drank that much and u couldn't seal the deal? what's wrong with u? take her home and put her away... then kick her drunk ass out cause she has a bf
Your picture goes perfect with the comment.
Anyone who says "threesome" is an idiot. There, I said it.
Therefore, one could assume you are an idiot also for your blatant use of the word "Threesome"? ..... Damn, I'm one too, lol
Aw man he beat me to it!
Haha. Me-1 You-0... Of course this score is in giga-points. haha
He quoted it. You: -2 Me: Infiniti+1.
I think you just lost at your own game, mycookiez.
No, mycookiezz, it wasn't blatant anything. I tire of seeing the same old "joke" repeated ad nauseum. This includes threesome, shitty situation, urine trouble, Soviet Russia, sammich, and pussy jokes. Get it? They aren't funny. Move on.
Doc has done it again. he has owned yet another FML bitch. *face melts off*
those soviet Russia jokes are garbage, those fags who say em should just fk off n die
Doc is one of my FML idols. Much respect. Its cool. I'm still
Charlie Sheen Winning. Btw Doc, I tire of the same jokes too.
Dashilis, thanks for the advice. I'm sorry for being such a sour little bitch. I will get off your Internet immediately. Oh, and you're right - this is the Internet, and all idiotic trolls will be called out as such, you idiotic troll. See what I did there?
Cool guys don't look at explosions...
66- I did, and am not impressed. plus comedy is a matter of subjective opinion. yours is not absolute. OP, you made her boyfriend pay though, right??
90- as well you should. hell eminem made one, so no sheepish head hanging necessary.
i agree with #89, just cause you dont find anything funny doesnt mean that something just isnt funny. no need to be a buzzkill, let others enjoy the joke without having to worry about someone being a party pooper. that being said, urine trouble and in a shitty situation if you make a pussy sammich while having a threesome in soviet russia. whoo yea i just combined all of those into one massive epic joke, consider your mind ******. bring on your worst, im ready >:D
Ok, ok, I admit those jokes are funny...if you have the maturity level of a middle schooler or if you haven't seen them 17,632 times before. Yes, humour is subjective. But repetition kills humour no matter how funny it was the first time.
Jokes are funny when they're clever or well executed. Saying 'u could of had a threesum' because you've seen seen it on just about every FML with three people involved isn't clever or funny. If they're well done though, not that I can think of an instance where they are, it could be funny. And yes, I realize I just made this string off comments nerdy and pathetic.
Doc is right. Those jokes get old REALLY fast.
urine problems, and if I get lucky enough, foursome. FTW
YDI for saying: 'too drunk too drive home'. Don't drink ANYTHING when you drive.
thank you, someone had to flame these people. Cant drive if you've had a drop of alcohol?? PLEASE!!! Someone needs to grow up, I'm 6'4'', it takes more than a few beers to make me unable to drive safely
don't drink and drive.....smoke and fly :)
107 last time i got lost
Wasn't the person who was drunk the girl and not the OP? you say it like he was drinking
82, you're reckless.
lol get 117 get a gps :) problem solved
Soooo, you didn't get laid? lmao
Well, hopefully she didn't drink on your dime, op.
I don't see how he would have. If you see someone you would assume they are single. If not, the person would tell you when you asked them out. It's not his fault he didn't know, it's the girls for not mentioning it and being a drunk *****.

Anyone who says "threesome" is an idiot. There, I said it.
that must've sucked. :/