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By harvdog - 02/10/2010 19:43 - United States

Today, I went to Seattle with my mom to visit my pregnant sister, only to end up being dragged to a store to buy maternity clothes. The saleswoman apologized to me repeatedly for not having a lounge for the fathers, but congratulated me on the baby. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 063
You deserved it 5 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oogie_boggie 0

You then should have said you were her sister. I cant imagine the employees face

seattle is a very gay friendly city. She could have figured u to were a gay couple and thought u didnt want to shop with her


SmallTownCutie 0

No wonder she thought you were a man. A normal adult female would be excited to go shopping with their sister, even if it was for maternity clothes. You could've at least acted like you were excited.

phreshboi 1

lol she thought you were les!!! not that there's anything wrong with that ;)

johnnie99 0

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wow... you must be an uckin fugly chic Op!

I live in Wenatchee. welcome to Washington lol we are real nice folk 'dirty redneck accent'

boyguydudemalema 0

you looked like a pregnant guy, im sorry if i offended you sir-----ma'am

Xquisite1 28

Someone must look extremely butch.

it's cause you have a stache nothing to be ashamed of just grab a razor u chewbaca looking bish

oogie_boggie 0

You then should have said you were her sister. I cant imagine the employees face

Yep, that's the good thing about being called the wrong gender or whatever, you get to correct them and see the look on their face! xD

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jinxthejinx 0

Oh, you like Dido? I think her song 'Thank You' was pretty good. Unless you were referring to the Queen of Carthage perhaps…

jinxthejinx 0

And Mome_Rath, I have a question for you, because I've always been curious. What exactly is 'outgrabing' and why do you do it?

'Twas brillig (the early evening or thereabouts), and the slithy (slimy and lithe) toves (badgers with lizard feet and corkscrew noses) did gyre (scratch) and gimble (to bore holes) in the wabe (the hillside). All mimsy (flimsy and miserable) were the borogoves (birdlike creatures) and the mome (solemn) raths (creatures resembling either pigs or turtles; i can't remember) outgrabe (to cry or squeal). I believe we cried because the slithy toves were bothering us with their scratching and hole-digging. Oh, the nonsense!

haha! You should probably shave that stash and stop holding your crotch while you "gangsta walk" around everywhere.

try dressing like a female, i dont think theyd say that if you were wearing a skirt. unless you look so manly that they think your a cross dresser, then i wouldnt know what they would say.

seattle is a very gay friendly city. She could have figured u to were a gay couple and thought u didnt want to shop with her

Knowing Seattle, it's likely that this is what actually happened.

I live in Seattle and have yet to meet a single gay couple so I'm just gonna pretend she was really ugly cuz it's more funny.

okay....but if they were a gay couple, one of the women would not be the father. ijjit.

midghtsniper 0

It's not gay OR friendly what part were u in??

l0ri3 0

sounds like someone needs a makeover!!

randomchickkk 0