Get out

By Anonymous - 10/08/2014 17:24 - Germany - Würzburg

Today, my mother kicked me out of the house because her new boyfriend needs my room. Evidently he also needs my credit card, passport, and wallet too, because she kept all three, while tossing everything else out on the lawn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 240
You deserved it 3 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

report them to the police. Choosing a new boyfriend over her son, disgusting.


Holy shit that's horrible. Call the police to get those things back ASAP!

Actually, you'd be surprised how many people believe those stereotypes.

How on Earth could OP have deserved this?

Someone could tell how a psychopath forced his way into the house, killed his family and raped him/her for several hour before eventually picking out his/her eyes with a spoon and there would be still enough jerks claiming he/she would deserve it. Today, I am a member of the human race. FML.

I'd be kicking the shit out of the both of them

If you're a legal adult, she has no right to take your things.

call the cops because I don't think she's allowed to keep important things like that

I hope you can call the police on her. That's not her property

Call the cops. In almost every state there can't be an immediate eviction unless you're a health risk.

That's illegal, call the cops on her because she is stealing a lot of very important things

Oh poliiiice! Where are you? (In a sing song voice, although it probably sounds better in my head than on here lol)