Get out

By Anonymous - 10/08/2014 17:24 - Germany - Würzburg

Today, my mother kicked me out of the house because her new boyfriend needs my room. Evidently he also needs my credit card, passport, and wallet too, because she kept all three, while tossing everything else out on the lawn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 231
You deserved it 3 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

report them to the police. Choosing a new boyfriend over her son, disgusting.


That's a shitty mom you have. Sorry op :/

Call the cops... He can't have those things without your permission.

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

And mother of the year award goes to... OP's mom!

FYL indeed OP. That is awful and your mother is cruel to do that to you. I would immediately call the police, so you could at least get your ID, wallet, passport, credit card, etc back because she or her boyfriend have no right to keep it. Secondly, if you could not get it back, I would have cancelled all the cards so they could not use them. What your mother did was positively awful OP, I hope everything worked out in the end.

What a ****. Call the police - that's theft - and then immediately call the bank to have them deactivate your credit card.

Make it so they can't use your credit card. If she's as big as a bitch as I think she is, she will try using your money to please her boyfriend. He seems like an immature adult, since he apparently can't share the bed with her and probably is jealous or mad about you living at home. Sorry if I'm rude, but I'm really fed up with most human behaviors.

If he is just using her then ge wouldn't want to share a bed and if he needs OP money and room then i would say he is using her

I would kick the door in, get my stuff, kick his ass and then piss off.

pwnman 33

Cancel the credit card, also report them on the cops. This is the first time where I hear a bitch goblinized mom.

Let's all sing "OP's mom is a bitch" in D minor.