Get out

By Anonymous - 10/08/2014 17:24 - Germany - Würzburg

Today, my mother kicked me out of the house because her new boyfriend needs my room. Evidently he also needs my credit card, passport, and wallet too, because she kept all three, while tossing everything else out on the lawn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 231
You deserved it 3 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

report them to the police. Choosing a new boyfriend over her son, disgusting.


catharsis5 9

"Passport, credit card, and wallet". I'm pretty sure that's illegal no matter what country you're in.

You're mother will have karma come and punch her right in the face OP. Nobody should put partners before blood.

I bet you could kick her new boyfriend's ass.. Guys like that think they're tough shit but they aren't. As for your mother, I'm sorry but that's pretty ****** up of her. Hope you get your stuff back and your identity if they stole that too.

Whydoucare24 8

Go to the police and get a escort so u can get wallet and stuff back

She has no right to take those things away from you. Go make a police report now, you have no idea what he is capable of doing with your credit card and your passport especially your wallet. I'm sorry but your mother should rot in hell for choosing dick over her offspring.

It's a shame that's she willingly giving some stranger your identity. Your mother and her boyfriend should go to jail. That's theft and abuse. Also very selfish.

justmeCee 16

Wow. I realize it's your mom but I hope you called the cops and call your CC company and report it stolen.