Get out!

By Anonymous - 10/03/2010 21:12 - United States

Today, after taking my girlfriend on a date, she invited me back to her place for "hot coffee and dessert." Excitedly, I said yes. When we got there, we actually had coffee and dessert. When I told her this wasn't what I'd had in mind, she kicked me out for being a pervert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 157
You deserved it 68 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi_ruuc 0
irishfever 0

Just because you took her on a date you automatically get sex?


misstrish 2
monnanon 13

OP i find myself commending you for your honesty but it was the wrong place to do it. You seem like a nice enough guy so Im pretty sure it was a case of opening your mouth before your brain caught up. Happens to the best of us. I hope the relationship is salvagable. From reading this site I have discovered that for a small number of the commenters woman seem to be ***** if they are having sex but if they dont have sex then they are a prude. please make up your minds.

Yeh, agree.. You're either a prude or a ****. It seems some men on FML don't let you be in between.

It's a very fine line to walk. Poor womenz :[

captainkevineff 0

Call her a bitch and piss on her lawn.

Am I the only one who thinks it IS rude (and somewhat dumb) to say "hey I thought we were going to have sex!" but that does NOT really make OP a pervert? Of course he wants to have sex with her, he wouldn't date her otherwise. And no, I do not mean that dating is all about sex. But you don't date someone you don't find attractive.

YDI. It sounds like she isn't even your gf, or it's on your first few dates and she was just trying to be nice and get to know you better and be more comfortable with you. It was rude she kicked you out.. but you probably made her feel embarrest. Just go with the flow next time..

jcougar12 0

I love when people get mad at people for being honest and not leading them on and then get mad again when people lead them on and not be honest about what they want

I'm willing to bet this "couple" has only had two or three dates and she just wanted to take things slowly, but this guy thinks sex is only off limits until you've officially become a couple. YDI

I don't see how hot coffee and dessert sound sexual, and it does not seem she is your girlfriend but rather a girl you had a few dates with.

its guys like you who give us all a bad name

YDI for assuming she'll open her legs on your second date