Get packing!

By Anonymous - 03/09/2009 09:48 - United States

Today, I was able to check my voicemail and email for the first time in two weeks. The only message I got was from my landlord telling me that the house I'm renting is in foreclosure, and I needed to have all my stuff out in ten days. He left the message nine days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 319
You deserved it 5 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't there be some sort of written notice involved? Ask for more time because you didn't receive an eviction notice on paper.


EarthGipsi 0

That happened to me. They have to give you 90 days to move or 30 days + compensation. And you have to be informed in writing.

VicmahnFml 0

Shouldn't he give u a 30 day notice ??

The bank owns it now and the lease is now nullified. It's basically the same very where. He obviously wasn't paying the mortgage on it with the rent as he should have been doing. Sucks to be you though. Fyl.

Oh shit ... Shudda gave you more than 10 days tho ...

that really sucks, i hope you find a place