Go home dad, you're drunk

By DogDoingScience - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Czech Republic

Today, I ran into my father. He was drunk and singing in the street. At 1:25pm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 873
You deserved it 2 774

Top comments

Yeah, it's funny because he was actually having more fun than you were.


thatgirl345 5
caco10 0

Wat were u doing at 1:25 am on the street?

Chrispayne 4
whyask 0

Well would you rather having him doing this at 5pm?

whyask 0

Oops sorry at first glance i thought it said a.m. so yeah my comment does make to much sense.

muhilrashid 4
fadingfaith 4