Go home dad, you're drunk

By DogDoingScience - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Czech Republic

Today, I ran into my father. He was drunk and singing in the street. At 1:25pm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 873
You deserved it 2 774

Top comments

Yeah, it's funny because he was actually having more fun than you were.


EnEl_Infierno 15

Wonder what song he was singing, hope it was "I like big butts and I cannot lie" now that would be an awesome sight.

You ran into him? Perhaps theres more to this story, were you drunk?

musicalmaggs 0

At least he's not drinking and driving.

1:25 P.M. ??? Okay, so he had a liquid lunch. I hope you joined him in a verse or two, then safely escorted him home. Cherish this time together, he'll be gone one day....

If you lived in a totalitarian state you wouldn't have this kind of problem, now would you.

Airick_TheGreat 2

Give him a break he's an old man!!!