Good morning

By Elliot - 22/07/2010 15:10 - United Kingdom

Today, I lifted up my blinds, only for them to detach from the wall, hit me on the head, knock a pile of paper over, spill a can of Pepsi, leave plaster all over the floor and a gaping hole in the wall above my window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 155
You deserved it 4 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrCalves 1

sounds like a massive clusterf*ck


Princess994 0 the hell did you get a hole in your wall...? ad spilling pepsi? THAT'S A SIN!!!

Angelita_tita 0

Thou shall not spileth pepsi.:D

SabrinaEstrella 0

I agree with 86. Dr. Pepper is where it's at.

yh, I hav bad luck like that too. I went to a halloween party, and we all decided to trick or treat and i tripped and fell into this deep hole and cut a massive deep gash into my leg; thus spilling all of my candy into the hole and getting blood all over my clothes:/. I feel ur pain.

lol that so sounds like something i would do!!! (actually, i think i have) lol yay 4 over clutziiness!!!! =D

lindseytaylor201 0
RawrBunneh 0
SapphireSympathy 7

omg!!!! is the pepsi ok??? and the poor plaster!! u should care for ur things more. -tsk tsk-