Good one, dude

By Directionally challenged - 11/04/2013 16:18 - United States

Today, I started my new job as a mail carrier. One of my assigned roads was Milbrooke Street, which I'd never heard of. After driving around for ages trying to find it, I called for directions. The street doesn't exist in my city; it's just the boss's way of seeing how stupid you are. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 208
You deserved it 8 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For pay back you should give him the "I just took a shit on your rug" face.

wow, that was mean of him, that doesn't make ur stipid, there are lots of streets I don't know about, don't feel bad OP that doesn't make u stupid


I recently started as a mail carrier as well and I can say that the USPS is stupid...

ever heard of a GPS? Smart phone? MAP???

If carry an A-Z map on my first day as a mail man. Just in case u know.

escobar07 10

Um yeah I'm not sure but there's this thing on cell phones now where you have a gps for free and can find any location. Oh and you could have called a long time ago to

SexyMexi21 23

I've had similar happen to me at work with my dick head boss... except with tools and the such.... didn't fall for it. sorry op. at least you made the actual attempts to find said address!!