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Goodbye Bill

By faith - 16/06/2020 23:00

Today, I went to a restaurant to order food with just a $100 bill. They no longer had what I came for, so I left. When I got to my car, I realized - no bill. I went back in for them to say they hadn't seen it, and they wouldn’t check the cameras. I know the lady working there picked it up since I was the only customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 848
You deserved it 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you didn't actually order anything and therefore weren't actually paying for anything, why would you have taken the $100 out to begin with? Did you just walk into a restaurant with a hundred dollar bill out in your hand? If so how did you not realize you had dropped it or set it down before walking all they way back to your car? How did you even make it out of the restaurant without realizing "I'm not holding a hundred dollar bill in my hand"? If you didn't walk in holding a hundred, and you didn't take it out to pay, how are you positive you even entered the restaurant carrying it? You could have lost it prior to being in the restaurant or never brought it at all. Hell, it could possibly be buried in your car somewhere.

Talk to the manager and demand they look at the cameras, or call the police.


Talk to the manager and demand they look at the cameras, or call the police.

She thought it was a tip. Since you bought nothing, it was an Infinity percent tip. The restaurant biz needs more people like you during the plague.

If you didn't actually order anything and therefore weren't actually paying for anything, why would you have taken the $100 out to begin with? Did you just walk into a restaurant with a hundred dollar bill out in your hand? If so how did you not realize you had dropped it or set it down before walking all they way back to your car? How did you even make it out of the restaurant without realizing "I'm not holding a hundred dollar bill in my hand"? If you didn't walk in holding a hundred, and you didn't take it out to pay, how are you positive you even entered the restaurant carrying it? You could have lost it prior to being in the restaurant or never brought it at all. Hell, it could possibly be buried in your car somewhere.

WTF? You don’t have a wallet or even a pocket? Who walks into a restaurant with a $100 bill their hands and puts it down on the table. That is unbelievable foolish. Leave your money in your pocket until it’s time to pay, then get it out and wait for your change. OP, I am sorry you lost your money - But you were very foolish in the way you handled it.

why set it down or even pull it out if they didnt have what you wanted. terrible they did that, but just plain dumb to pull out cash when your not even ready to pay.

The-Koneko 10

There is this amazing thing called a wallet which keeps those bills safe from harm's way! You should definitely Google it! It'll save your future 100$ bills 😂

wrenavery90 12

Who walks in a restaurant with a 100 bill in their hand? Usually I don't pull out myoney until it's actually time to pay.