
By Stank - 06/05/2018 19:00

Today, my husband is going on his fifth consecutive day without a shower. He’s been working 16-hour shifts, and though I'm empathetic to his exhaustion, his foul body odor has overtaken the bedroom, and his excretions have discolored his side of the bed. I fear the worst. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 311
You deserved it 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't understand how you haven't brought this up. Regardless of his exhaustion it's for his own health and as his partner, with his best intentions in mind, you should be able to bring this up with him. Even just run a shower/bath for him when he gets home so he literally just has to step in. Unless ofc you have told him and he's just one unhygienic mf


You really need to talk to him. I get that working 16 hours a day is tough, but he can take a five-minute shower just to keep from stinking up the place.

Perhaps you could pick up a job of your own, or a better paying job, so that he won't have to work so many hours?

Maybe OP does have a job, but her husband is going through a rough patch at work or something? Or his job requires it.

Lobby_Bee 17

The best thing to do is make him feel what you are feeling. Start to not shower for a week and hell get the picture.

I'd also consider the POSSIBILITY that these 16 hour shifts might have taken a very harsh toll on his mental health. During his work week, all he has time to do is eat dinner, if even that, and go straight to bed before waking up and heading straight back to work. If he doesn't care how his foul body odor affects himself or people around him, sounds like he may just be going through a serious depression due to being extremely overworked.

Emma Marshall 19

You could lay an extra sheet over his side of the bed. 16 hour days would suck!

If you have a tub I would make him get in it and wash him to help him get some relaxation.

George Hanssen 14

Don't let him go to bed without taking a shower.

It would not have gotten best day three without me meeting him at the front door with hose and bottle of body wash. That's just nasty

My husband thought it okay to come home at night all dirty and stinky and wanting to make love after I’d taken the time to take a shower. I finally had it, and told him if I had the decency to be clean for that, he could to. He listened. It sure doesn’t hurt to try putting your foot down, or up his butt if he doesn’t listen.