Great expectations

By sheryl_m - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I came home expecting a surprise party. It was my birthday and I had overheard my friends planning it all week. Nobody was there. It turns out the party they were planning was for my friend's dog's birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 810
You deserved it 4 658

Top comments

lnm701 0

You need to find new friends...a party for their dog? Really?

WendlaMimii 0

Happy birthday! But you know, the dog deserves a party, too.


To be honest, if your so-called friends are people sad enough to throw a party for a dog, then you're hanging out with the wrong people. Sure dogs are great, but they won't understand that all the tomfoolery is for them. Get better friends that act human.

Kay_Ell_Dee 0
biancster 0

that's sad that they're planning a party for their dog.....get some better friends

istealhobos 0

I dont think its fake. When I was 8, my aunt took me to get shots and instead of bringing me back to school, we went shopping for dog cakes and presents for her dogs party ._. Btw, fyl op.

sekolze 5

shitty friends id say../:

I mean a dog is a man's best friend :P But sorry OP you deserve better.