Great expectations

By sheryl_m - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I came home expecting a surprise party. It was my birthday and I had overheard my friends planning it all week. Nobody was there. It turns out the party they were planning was for my friend's dog's birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 810
You deserved it 4 658

Top comments

lnm701 0

You need to find new friends...a party for their dog? Really?

WendlaMimii 0

Happy birthday! But you know, the dog deserves a party, too.


WendlaMimii 0

Happy birthday! But you know, the dog deserves a party, too.

Rok_fml 0
lnm701 0

You need to find new friends...a party for their dog? Really?

nosuchthing 0

happy birthday! hey i know how you feel, sometimes my friends make me feel like shit. sorry! happy birthday again!

caitie_roxs13 0

i find this story hard to believe i understand someone would throw a party for his/her dog. but for the party to be thrown by a friend of the dog owner? yeah i don't believe this.

stupid. how does this get accepted to be on the site?

Curtieeeez 0

There are people who actually care A LOT about their pets. Like... treating them as if they were people. There are also people who tend to forget their friend's birthdays. Putting them together makes for a very depressing birthday. I hope you cheer up. Happy birthday!

Wow, I'm sorry. That really sucks. But revenge can be so sweet.