Great expectations

By sheryl_m - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I came home expecting a surprise party. It was my birthday and I had overheard my friends planning it all week. Nobody was there. It turns out the party they were planning was for my friend's dog's birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 810
You deserved it 4 658

Top comments

lnm701 0

You need to find new friends...a party for their dog? Really?

WendlaMimii 0

Happy birthday! But you know, the dog deserves a party, too.


ohhhhshizzz 0

Yeah I agree with: #45 & 52. You shouldnt always call things fake, when you havent heard of them. People do the STRANGEST things, people and their pets are getting out of hand. So really dont worry about it, you need new friends if they really werent even worrying about their friends birthday. Id get some sweet ass revenge. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Obviously made up and fake.... why would you even have to plan out how to surprise a dog... that makes no sense... at least attempt to make a believable story if your life is too boring.

shadow_duv 0

that sucks, hope your birthday wasn't a complete disaster (pardon me if it actually was). I don't think this was fake, a lot of my friends have celebrated their pets birthdays before.

unless ur friends are 50 yr old white ladies then how did this happen

tokyooo123 0

I'm gonna call a fake. But if it's true..I'm sorry, they suck.

rainrainrain 0

I'm sorry! my boyfriend of a year told me about all these great things he got me. and had never actually gotten them, and ended up doing nothing for me for my birthday. i know how you feel.

what kinda retards give a party for a dog ? :|

That's not true, no one celebrates a dog's birthday and if they did they would've invited you unless you're not a friend of them. And if you're not a friend of them: leave them alone!

Ack that's such a total depressing experience! (btw, my stepmom celebrates her dogs BD every year, the little white piece of fluff gets pampered more then I think any dog should...)