Great replacement

By Bottom feeder - 08/01/2016 03:41 - Hong Kong - Ngau Tau Kok

Today, my boss dropped a highly important and dense report on my desk that had to be finished by the end of the day. After the initial panic attack and hours of scrupulous work, I finished. She then asked me to pick up the revised copy, where my name was replaced with hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 737
You deserved it 1 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely take this to her boss, do not stand up for that at all. If nothing happens, start looking for another job ASAP. Nobody deserves to be treated like that in a workplace.

Don't take this shit. Put your foot down!


so wait what is your job in the company? maybe her name is supposed to on the reports. being the boss means delegating work out to employees when you have other matters to attend too. if the boss is just lazy and doesn't want to do it and makes others do it then take credit. then it's wrong.

HPCullen251 21

If her name is supposed to be on the report, then she should be doing the report. Period. She can delegate the other tasks. No matter the reason it is wrong to put your name on something you did not do.

I would have put a watermark on the paper.

Your boss sounds like she has sociopathic tendencies. Keep an eye on that one.

you should tell on her..she is probably holding you back from getting a promotion in order to keep you hierarchically under her to make you do her work, supposing she couldn't do it on her own without you..

change the name back to yours. Then she'll be ****** when her boss says something.

My ex boss did that too me once. I went back and replaced ever use of the word projected to the word respected and move a decimal point in the excel sheet. Her boss called her incompetent and demoted her. I quit after that, and went into business for myself.

Revise the revision and bring both to her boss.

amccaul1976 8

just turn in the initial copy with your name on it and tell her the revised copy got stuck in the printer.

You what they are called... Shit eaters...

I've had that happen in. His excuse was that no one of my rank would be taken seriously so he did me a favor.