Great replacement

By Bottom feeder - 08/01/2016 03:41 - Hong Kong - Ngau Tau Kok

Today, my boss dropped a highly important and dense report on my desk that had to be finished by the end of the day. After the initial panic attack and hours of scrupulous work, I finished. She then asked me to pick up the revised copy, where my name was replaced with hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 737
You deserved it 1 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely take this to her boss, do not stand up for that at all. If nothing happens, start looking for another job ASAP. Nobody deserves to be treated like that in a workplace.

Don't take this shit. Put your foot down!


MikaykayUnicorn 36

You turn your project in and then your teacher puts their name on it?

OP definitely say something to the company. I will definitely not stand being treated that way especially when this "boss" of yours also gets paid more. That's a double slap to the face.

Why is everyone (almost, except for 25) on OPs side? Really? "Oh, its my work". No, you get paid to do stuff like that. That's your job. It's your boss's job to decide what tasks you do that are relevant to your job. Cries of "plagiarism", and "that's illegal", and "you shouldn't be treated like that - go to her boss". No. Your boss is responsible for that department. Whether it had your name on it or not, doesn't matter. It's a damn report that your boss is ultimately responsible for. Maybe her name needed to be on it because it needed a name to the department and her bosses don't know who OP is, and , and wouldn't care that some nameless underling made the report?

Make another revised copy where her name is replaced

Welcome to being an adult. Now is the time to climb the ladder, become the manager, and show everyone how to be a LEADER instead of a BOSS. (Hint: leaders participate and work with underlings, by example. Bosses tell people what to do and take credit for success and pass blame down for failures.)

Epickitty58 29

How is there almost 1000 YDIs on this? Nobody deserves to be treated like shit.

quarterbird 18

Replace the cover with a cover with your name.

What a lazy **** reminds me of the boss from the show F is for family.