Great replacement

By Bottom feeder - 08/01/2016 03:41 - Hong Kong - Ngau Tau Kok

Today, my boss dropped a highly important and dense report on my desk that had to be finished by the end of the day. After the initial panic attack and hours of scrupulous work, I finished. She then asked me to pick up the revised copy, where my name was replaced with hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 737
You deserved it 1 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely take this to her boss, do not stand up for that at all. If nothing happens, start looking for another job ASAP. Nobody deserves to be treated like that in a workplace.

Don't take this shit. Put your foot down!


ohsnapword 21

If she wants to take credit, fine. After she puts her name on the report, revise it again and make the report really bad. Then look for a new job.

I would have just replaced hers with my own

If you do confront her about it, be sure to set your phone to record. If she has no scruples about putting her name on your work, doing something like deliberatly include errors will only give you a powerful enemy (that can follow you to other jobs, by references). 1 Check your phone or other recording device to ensure the resulting quality is good. 2 Confront your boss and respectfully ask your name is kept on the report as it is your work, include the reports name (and before you enter her office, her name and the date). 3 If the boss accepts this fair demand, all is well, she need not know she was taped. If she refuses or threatens you, now you have evidence to bring to her boss or the HR department. 4 Reap the benefits of your actions, good or bad. Be sure you can handle all the sane and a couple insane reactions.

Idk about Hong Kong, but where I'm from, it's illegal to record someone without their knowledge or consent. But that is a good idea, if you can get them to agree (on the recording).

Email correspondence works, but most states allow recording of private conversations especially in a context of a non-criminal act.

It's not illegal, it's just not permissible evidence in court.

leogachi 15

@30 In California it's illegal.

that's when you go tell someone higher and more important ,show them the proof,then take their job and send a thank you note saying that it was you're plan all along and you just had to play the waiting game. .

Go over her head and show it to her boss.

Slip something in the report. Like a **** u or something. Make her pay.

When my job got a new supervisor for one department he kept bringing me his work to do even though I didn't directly work for him. One day my boss saw me working on it and asked me why I had all of his work. I said that I thought it had been cleared by her turns out it hadn't. I was doing all the work of the supervisor in a different department's job. Oh well, my boss saw the work I could do and ended up giving me a raise so it was worth it I guess.

legendof90 14
CliffyB03 28

This is what happened to my boyfriends mom. She took it to the bosses boss, and the boss got fired. Don't take shit!