
By kdehshaden - 30/04/2012 08:25 - United States

Today, after a lot of begging, I finally convinced my husband to shave all of his pubes off. Now I can't even look at it without laughing, and he's mad at me for making him do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 645
You deserved it 56 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats just ****** up. You push him to do something he obviously didn't want to do, then you laugh at him for it.

I'd be pissed too. You convince him to do something and then laugh at him for it? Not okay.


You know how bathing in tomato juice gets ride of the skunk smell..... Maybe the tomato juice will get rid of the pee smell :P lol

randi8907 3

why the **** would u do that? stupid cow. never **** with a man's genitals... like.. do u just never want to have sex again ?? if I was him I'd probably become a woman beater.

You totally deserved it. Why you find it funny is beyond me and you hate that he is mad at you? Grow up a bit maybe?

duma191 21

i would be too. no pubes is extremely uncomfortable. next time just have him buzz it with a #1/2 comb on electric clippers.

livgrace12 6

So your husband does something for you when he doesn't want to and you laugh at him for it...that's a bitch move...

groza528 17

Cover his peepee with your mouth so you wont have to look at it anymore.