Gross out competition

By shattysituation - 31/12/2012 22:36 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I decided to try a new place to eat. On our way home we both had upset stomachs. As we raced into the house we realized neither of us could hold it any longer. Having only one bathroom, I let her go first. She exploded on the toilet and I exploded in my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 407
You deserved it 4 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though that sucks for you both, props to you for being a gentleman and letting her go first.


You just gotta love that half priced foreign food. (I'm only making an assumption I'm not sure what op ate.) I'm sorry you had gastrointestinal distress op, but at least you made your girlfriend happy by letting her use the bathroom first. Not too many people would do that and trust me if you had not forfeited the bathroom for your girlfriend, your life would be extremely unpleasant right now.

I'm sure it is quite unpleasant right now anyway.

I got good poisoning and JIZZED IN MY PANTS.

Good poisoning? There is poisoning that's good? So good that you **** in your pants? Gosh where have I been....

i'm pretty sure you meant food not good the f and g are right next to each other

OhDearBetrayal 25

40- Yes, Hitler poisoning was very good poisoning.

Been there it. Blows major ass chunks. Good lookin' out for the gf tho.

That's pretty shitty but good of you for letting your girlfriend go first.

zombieslayer83 19

FIRE IN THE HOLE! But for real at least you were a gentleman, props.

DeadxManxWalking 27

Least you were a gentlemen about it

sammyjanette 17

And that ladies is how you know your boyfriend loves you!

KM96 24

That's nice, how in a crappy situation, you put ladies first :) Very gentlemanly indeed ;)