Gross out competition

By shattysituation - 31/12/2012 22:36 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I decided to try a new place to eat. On our way home we both had upset stomachs. As we raced into the house we realized neither of us could hold it any longer. Having only one bathroom, I let her go first. She exploded on the toilet and I exploded in my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 407
You deserved it 4 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though that sucks for you both, props to you for being a gentleman and letting her go first.


nikkinurse 10

You're so sweet- she would never have lived that down

gameover18 17

Like a SIR, but next time go outside.

allison70471 1

A garbage can is always the next best place

I'm now imagining the scene from van wilder with pre med dick.

my2centsworth 15

And they said that chivalry was dead...

xsarax_fml 10

aww that sucks. But kudos to you!! what a gentleman! I'm sure when yall are all better she'll thank you :)

Awww nasty. I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you don't go back there again and give them a bad review/complaint. Also, this is gross, but if you have only one bathroom, perhaps you at least have a tub or shower? Again, gross and not appealing, but cleanup would be easy. Hope you get to feeling better!

You're such a gentlemen. We need more guys like you, and less hoes(: