Gross, so gross

By Yuuucky - 26/09/2011 16:58 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend showed me a YouTube video of him popping a huge blackhead on his forehead. He told me he had been "growing" it for more than 2 years now. I have been caressing and kissing that thing for almost 2 years because I thought it was a beauty mark. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 802
You deserved it 17 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fx13mz 7

Even if it was a beauty mark, why would you caress it?

This is so disgusting that I'm putting it in my list of favourite FML's immediately.


Why would u kiss a beauty mark in the first place?!?

orgasm_blush 4

This fml is just plain weird to me, but yes fyl.

I'm guessing now's not the time for him to divulge that what you have mistaken for his unaroused package is actually his prolapsed rectum?

smump 0
JinxosGirl87 0

If you acted so loving toward it while it was on him, I bet you orgasmed while watching the video.

Google the words "blackheads popping videos". You will find more blackhead, pimple, and carbuncle youtube videos than you want. Plus earwax cleaning. For the absolute grossest, google "popthatzit".

Cameron_Vorbeck 0
itsimpossible 0

eww why would u even kiss it if it was a birth mark or whatever

daydreamer244 13

might I ask where this YouTube video is?