
By Anonymous - 17/07/2014 02:49 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was waiting in a line, texting on my phone. I hear what sounded like a sneeze and said, "Bless you" to the man in front of me. He gave me a dirty look as I began to smell something awful. It wasn't a sneeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 303
You deserved it 4 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who the hell gets angry when you say bless you, even if it was for the wrong bodily function?!

Indianboy9321 25

Why did he give YOU a dirty look...?


This is brilliant!! You blessed his shart. lol.

Lmao Maybe try paying attention a little better? Im sure it was an honest mistake though :P

Ghastly_fml 15

It could be that op brought attention to the fact the man farted. The dirty look could have been because the guy was embarrassed.

91hayek 31

I know you were just being polite but I think this is the best passive aggressive retort to loud public farting I have ever read. I'm going to use this the first chance I get! Thanks OP.

Grauncho 27

Guess the look he gave you wasn't they only thing that was dirty.

It could have been a wet fart. They are kinda tricky. Sorry OP

What the hell was he doing farting in public. Does he have no respect. If anybody should have been saying anything its him should have been apologizing...filthy idiot.

My guess is it wasn't actually a fart but rather a shart. Those things cannot be held in. They just explode.

cryssycakesx3 22

anytime passing gas is mentioned, someone automatically assumes it was a "shart"... hate that word.

Hey man farting is farting. It's not pleasant, but it happens just like sneezing or coughing. Maybe he couldn't hold it in

Hey don't feel bad you were just being nice. It's not your fault his farts sound like sneezes