Grossed out

By stinky - 12/12/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, my coworker friend told me she was going to the restroom. Soon after, I did the same. Once in the stall, I could smell a stench emanating from the next one. I yelled, "Ew, you stinky bitch" and sprayed air freshener under the partition. As I left the stall, my friend walked into the restroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 049
You deserved it 46 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! Hope they don't know you/recognize your voice.

tsim_fml 0

why would you call her a stinky bitch, i mean come on.


PinkFun1969 9

It's nice to meet a person who truly has shit that smells of perfume! Judge not.... Haha I crack myself up.

Haha, aww, I feel bad for the person that you thought was your friend! It was funny though.

I blame your co-worker as if she actually went to the toilet as she said, she would've been the stinky bitch lol

You would you do that to a person anyways. Just because someone is stinky doesn't mean you can call them a bitch

sbjess 8

Who carries air freshener with them?

this would be an fml if it was your friend. it doesnt matter if theyre a complete stranger that doesnt know who you are and cant see you. be glad it wasnt your friend dumbass

I actually laughed out loud at this one.

abbasgirl 3

LOL! The poor lady in the stall probably waited until everyone left for the day before she dared to sneak out of there.

grandeJ98 0