Grossed out

By stinky - 12/12/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, my coworker friend told me she was going to the restroom. Soon after, I did the same. Once in the stall, I could smell a stench emanating from the next one. I yelled, "Ew, you stinky bitch" and sprayed air freshener under the partition. As I left the stall, my friend walked into the restroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 049
You deserved it 46 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! Hope they don't know you/recognize your voice.

tsim_fml 0

why would you call her a stinky bitch, i mean come on.



Hilarious! I laughed so hard I was crying.

I believe the proper term is "Courtesy flush!"

linda_stone 13

Let me ask you a question. Do you understand that a RESTROOM is a place where people pee and take a dump? Do you realize at all that faeces actually DO SMELL? I guess, you never shit. Ever. You little princess, you fart daisies and shit emeralds, don't you?

StromyG2 10

Bahahahahhh :P I feel so sorry for that lady in the restroom :P you must've felt SO akward! :)

Do you think there is another FML somewhere that goes along the lines of, "today, while I was in a public bathroom doing a number 2, some random sprayed air freshner under the separator of the stalls and then called me a 'stinky bitch'".?

That Person In The Next stall Probaly Never Went In a Public Bathroom Again