Grossed out

By stinky - 12/12/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, my coworker friend told me she was going to the restroom. Soon after, I did the same. Once in the stall, I could smell a stench emanating from the next one. I yelled, "Ew, you stinky bitch" and sprayed air freshener under the partition. As I left the stall, my friend walked into the restroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 049
You deserved it 46 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! Hope they don't know you/recognize your voice.

tsim_fml 0

why would you call her a stinky bitch, i mean come on.


eatpraylovee44 0

Lmfao. Who does that. Says that. You're fault.

kleopath 11

What the hell is wrong with you? Rude-ass.

This made me lol during the middle of class.

hateevryone 14

that could've been anybody in that stall.

Horcruxer 0

A lot of girls stink after using the bathroom, most public bathrooms smell worse in the women's its nasty

Cause you're in the women's bathroom on a regular basis? Maybe that's something you shouldn't admit.

theDOGgoesIDGAF 0

Have you ever thought that because normally (I'm not saying only the women but normally) the women are the ones to take there 0-9 year old to do there business in the restroom, therefor they smell worse.....and little kids are not known for there cleanliness and babies poo smells really bad. Then there are the monthly cycles that aren't 'as seen on tv'.

Hilarious!! Totally something I would do! How mortifying!

It's a toilet. You go in there expecting it to smell like roses? YDI. I've been in some putrid bathrooms, but it's never even occurred to me to complain about the smell.

Hahah did you tell your friend what you did?

tit4tat22 3

Lol, I bet they had a good laugh afterwards.. Poor girl in the toilet though!

davidmccormick21 0

funniest shit I've read in a week