Grossed out

By ChePow - 20/08/2011 18:26 - Canada

Today, a stripper came into my work to get some posters copied. She asked if she could pay in small bills. I just touched $50 that have probably rubbed up against a stripper's twat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 520
You deserved it 6 531

Same thing different taste


I don't think I wanna know what's on those posters...

I'm pretty sure most money has touched someone or another's twat at some point in time

OsirisFaction_fml 5

Sorry but you probably have syphilis now.

That's when you learn to sneak gloves on and make it look like it's part of the uniform!~

how is this an FML? if a stripper rubbed her twat on my bills I'd be so happy. unless the stripper was ugly then I can see where you're comin from

Kahuna382000 2

How did you know she was a stripper?...