Grossed out

By ChePow - 20/08/2011 18:26 - Canada

Today, a stripper came into my work to get some posters copied. She asked if she could pay in small bills. I just touched $50 that have probably rubbed up against a stripper's twat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 520
You deserved it 6 531

Same thing different taste


What kind of posters was she gtting copied?

You could correct me baby I'll like you either way, if you wanna talk text me 519 943 3306

how do you know they were a stripper op? I'd say someone goes to the strip club enough to remember faces

Hmm, dunno.... maybe they were posters for a strip club??

still doesn't make them a stripper she could have been a bartender or something

And what do you think all the other money you've ever touched has been? Other money could be a lot worse....

you cant tell a customer they arent aloud to use their money.. especially that they cant because they are a stripper.

If op was a guy he wouldn't have posted

pepelittle9 0


twinny_sc 13
potsie10 4

So? I'm sure this isn't the first time you've had money in your hand that's had some snatch on it. I'm pretty sure there's been some ass n balls on some too.