Hang in there

By ouch - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Wilmington

Today, I was on the toilet when my cat came in and jumped up on the sink. Apparently my lap looked like a comfier seat, so she jumped onto it. She misjudged the distance, but luckily caught herself by sliding to a stop, with her claws in my bare thighs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 808
You deserved it 4 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

grahmagog 14

Im sure all cats are just russian spies...hellbent on human annihilation

One would think that by now people would refrain from letting cats in the bathroom


TcheQ 12

YDI for allowing an animal in your personal space

im pretty sure thats what cats are for...

One of the reasons why I don't want to have a cat.

How many people go to the bathroom with the door open, eh? That's pretty shifty if I might say so myself.

I bet you emptied your self quite well that moment. That's terrible! And disinfect those scratches! At least your cat loves you!

BananaSantos 15

My cat always does this and it's fricking annoying, especially when she has to dig he claws in to my calfs when I don't pet her. Got damn cats, you can't even stay mad at them cause their too cute.