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Hang in there

By ouch - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Wilmington

Today, I was on the toilet when my cat came in and jumped up on the sink. Apparently my lap looked like a comfier seat, so she jumped onto it. She misjudged the distance, but luckily caught herself by sliding to a stop, with her claws in my bare thighs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 809
You deserved it 4 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

grahmagog 14

Im sure all cats are just russian spies...hellbent on human annihilation

One would think that by now people would refrain from letting cats in the bathroom


grahmagog 14

Im sure all cats are just russian spies...hellbent on human annihilation

Cats are cute, cuddly bastards. I have scars to prove it.

How could the cat come in is my question, do you leave the door open or was the cat in their while your dropped a deuce?

One would think that by now people would refrain from letting cats in the bathroom

My cat decided to join me in the bathtub when he was a kitten... Few years later same thing.... He joins me in the bathroom every now and then, but he is much smarter and better behaved

Another totally unheard of and controversial idea....train the cat to only jump on you when you call it.

Ali_Br_fml 33

@27, I had a kitten who liked to jump in while I was taking a shower too. He didn't even mind getting wet. He never scratched or bit any of us either, not even when my mom stepped on his tail. We lost him in a move. My cousin brought him out and a loud truck scared him into hiding. She SAYS he bit her and ran off... The little liar. She was just jealous. Cats rule :)

Grod098 5

Who leaves their door open when taking a dunce.... just saying

what if OP lives alone? is it still weird then?

If I'm home alone and making a captain's log, your god damn right I'm going to leave the door open. No one wants to brew in their own stew.

MorganBrown 8

Even when I shut the door myself, my door won't stay shut. I have a bad door handle and my parents refuse to get a new one. My cat does this to me EVERY MORNING when I have to go potty. He'll shove his whole body at the door, open it, and jump In my lap. It's completely weird.

Wizzlbang 10

maybe they're claw-strophobic

22, this may be the greatest FML comment of all time

icadragoon 11
IronMan3758 4

That's why my cat tends to stay out of my bathroom

hannahsnyder69 16

It's always weird to have pets in the bathroom while on the toilet. I always feel watched

SystemofaBlink41 27

Anyone else read that in a caveman voice?

SystemofaBlink41 27

Anyone else read that in a caveman voice?

SystemofaBlink41 27

Anyone else read that in a caveman voice?

Wizardo 33

At least your pussy didn't scratch your well... that would be unfortunate or kinky, whatever floats your boat.

If only there was some way to make it possible to keep things out of the room... such as a large plank of wood over the hole in the wall...