Hangry time

By Anonymous - 21/04/2011 18:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. The day before, I was too anxious to eat anything, so I went in with an empty stomach. There were complications during the extraction and now I'm not allowed to eat for the next 24 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 981
You deserved it 9 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's crazy for 24 hours. You should aks if you can drink some soup through a straw.

Well at least your boyfriend didn't wanna test your gag reflex after the dentist.


thats not so bad. i went a week and a half without eating or eating anything. a day is nothing to me.

i meant drinking instead of that second eating.

That is impossible. You, my friend, are a liar.

shannon.elizabeth 13

it is actually, as every body is capable of different things. the rule of 3 is merely a guide (3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, 3 seconds without air) technically if their body was efficient and hydrated prior then a week and a half of nothing is possible yet comes with dangerous risks of organ failure, fainting, etc

hidrox94 5

I had a tooth pulled today too, OP! EXTRACTION BUDDIES!! woot! *high five!*

Sangoku_fml 0

You can't eat, but I'm sure you can drink. Have some milk or milkshake. It'll help curve your hunger a bit. If you can't, then just drink plenty of water. I'm sure water may help at least a little. it's only 2 days, not a week. You'll live through, it's just really going to suck.

hulkk_smashh 5

I was knocked out to get all my wisdom teeth pulled too. And yeah you're not supposed to eat for 12 hours before.

That sucks, but it's not unusual for a tooth extraction. At least there are lots of non-solid foods and drinks you can use to get your strength back.

pinkchocolatex3 0

Have fun dying (: ..... jk :D