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By Anonymous - 08/02/2013 00:28 - Canada - Hagersville

Today, I won $50 on the lottery. On the subway home, I checked my pocket to see if the money was still there. A very professional man in a suit yelled, "Hey, that's mine!" I got several dirty glares. I'm such a pathetic wimp that I gave him the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 426
You deserved it 55 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for complaining about losing the money when it was your choice to keep it or give it away.

Just_STFU_Please 13

* let me see of my balls are still intact........... Nope, guess that guy took those too*


Hey! This was my post. give it back! :-)

That's why you don't pull money out on the subway. You kind of deserve this one, although I can see your point completely.

Hey first comment was mine!!! Could have made it funnier, give it back!!!

YDI for complaining about losing the money when it was your choice to keep it or give it away.

Sir_ND_Pity 35

OP is making bad decisions left and right. First he gives his wifi password to his manager that hates him and then this. Next he is gonna get a fish and his cat is gonna eat it :/

I bet even the guy you gave the money to was surprised his stupid outburst actually resulted in getting the money.

Ppfff.. What a pussy! Stand up for yourself OP!

free2speak 14

44, exactly! As a neurobiology student, I read clinical cases all the time where people are socially awkward and genuinely afraid of people in social settings and it's honestly really sad. They tend to be bullied throughout their life (school, career) and people often make jokes on their expense and they're so lonely, they start regarding both negative or positive attention as sign of friendship. Not saying that OP has that but what if he does? We should all be pretty thankful that we turned out as "normal" as we did. I'm sorry, OP. fortunately, we live in a world where you can seek medical help and therapy (or just karate classes!) if you have any kind of anxiety or if you're afraid in public.

squideth 18

I still say YDI. I imagine OP would mention his social anxiety, which would be pretty important to this FML.

@44 I do too! I still wouldn't give him the money! OPs just a wimp like he said he was.

Imagine he meant it as a joke or was trying to be funny…

Man up! Who cares if people glare at you? You know that it's yours so there isn't a problem.

damn_homie 2

I can't believe you gave in like that smh. You need to work on that OP.

Just_STFU_Please 13

* let me see of my balls are still intact........... Nope, guess that guy took those too*

And here was my dumbass actually working for money when I could've been getting it this easily the whole time. Kudos to that guy for showing me the way.

CharresBarkrey 15

Yeah, how do you think he got the suit? ;)

He told them someone was his and they took off their clothes?

GoodLookingGeese 10

Man in the suit? Did the person of interest change his mind after all and started to rob wimps in the subway?

thatsucks4you 7

YDI for not having a backbone! I would of told him to shut it because it was my money. Who cares about the looks that other people are giving you. It was rightfully your money.

I wouldn't be surprised if the glares from other people weren't even glares. I mean, if some random idiot on a train yelled at another person that the money in the person's pocket was "really their's", I'd probably think the person who was yelling was just being crazy or an asshole. I doubt this is the weirdest or most glare-worthy thing that people have seen on the subway.

"it's my money, and I want it now!" call jg wentworth 877 cash now.