Happy Birthday

By Anonymous - 07/10/2010 00:48 - United States

Today, my parents gave me my birthday present. Two weeks ago, I'd ordered an Xbox online. Three days ago, it came to my house, and my parents thought they could save money by putting wrapping paper on it, and giving it to me for my birthday. That's all they got me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 324
You deserved it 3 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. Save wrapping paper. 2. Find huge empty box. 3. Fill with rocks until it weighs about 250 pounds. 4. Add a clothesline and wrap. 5. Give to your parents and tell them you got them a solar powered clothes dryer. 6. Record their reaction and put on YouTube. 7. Get #1 views (all time) award for your hilarious video, simultaneously wrenching the title from YouTube's most popular female singer, Justin Bieber and becoming a hero to all lovers of real music. 8. Become a YouTube partner. 9. Use money to buy Mars. 10. Live happily ever after while banging hot Martians.

paid2think 0



I can't believe that some of you people have the deluded notion that parents have to spend a ton of money on their kids in order to truly love them. My parents have never spent more than $100 on me for my birthday or Christmas. They didn't help me at all with college. They could have afforded more for me, but I have never complained. I don't complain because I know, when I get out into the "real world," I will be capable of taking awesome care of myself. And I can laugh my head of at the spoiled brats either @$$ over elbows in debt or living at home, still being spoiled rotten, but they also have a curfew. :)

I definitely agree. A lot of kids are extremely spoiled and expect a lot from their parents. Hell there's countless amounts of posts here by or about kids who expect mommy and daddy to buy them everything. It's hard to tell where your opinions on this lie, but the OP certainly has room to complain. If, as a parent, you're not going to buy your kid a whole lot then don't try to be 'sly' and wrap up your kid's things and pass them off as gifts. You're not fooling anyone, just making yourself out to be a real ass.

Basballplaya16 4

haha ydi for it being an xbox.

boohoo you didn't get a present for your birthday. Thousands of people are out of jobs and your being selfish because you didn't get a present. America is doomed.

so your telling me your parents stole from you and gave what they stole as a gift?

C6Racer 0

I hope you're only upset for what they did and not for the fact that they didn't buy you anything. I haven't gotten one single gift from anyone for my past 10 bdays. Everyone remembers my bday and that's all I could ever ask for. Don't be a spoiled brat.

FLCL4711Fox 0

I'd be pissed too if I got an xbox! have fun with the red ring. wait, what?

FLCL4711Fox 0

holy crap 85. write a damn autobiography why don't you?

Fuck_school 0

the poster is spoiled. I don't ever get anything and I'm not complaining