Happy Doggo Day!

By Holyguacamoly - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Iceland

Today, at work I had to explain to a client that male dogs can wear red collars and it doesn't make them "gay". The client then got angry and stormed out of the store, causing me to get written up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 271
You deserved it 4 955

Top comments

People lost the intelligent aspect of their minds centuries ago...

Chelsea_bella 20

Pink collars on the other hand...


flashback_fml 14

Wearing a red collar after labor day is a no though

I used to work at Petsmart. We were under explicit orders to avoid situations like that by sticking to blue for male dogs and red for female. It was some serious bullshit.

Who gives a **** what sexuality your dog is?

venomousddog 19

The last dog that tried to hump me had a red collar, but that was probably a coincidence...

Obviously someone with mental issues, learn to smile and nod

I've gotten written up for asking a drunk customer to leave my store for fear of safety of the other customers. He called corporate office and complained. The complaint got forwarded to my district manager who gave it to my store manager and I'm on a final write up because "I can't tell someone to leave"...FML!!

Submit that as an FML, there's a chance it wi be on.

You always agree with the customer unless your about to go off on them and two you've got one worthless manager if he/she wont defend you as their employee

I'm surprised this post didn't say "united states"....

Why do you call customers "clients"?

I'm sorry you have to deal with stupid people for a living