Happy Thanksgiving to you all

By emilyta - 24/11/2011 07:14 - United States

Today, my husband threw up in the shower after drinking almost a whole bottle of wine. The shower won't drain now. Happy Thanksgiving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 868
You deserved it 2 880

emilyta_fml tells us more.

I don't drink much and he wanted to have drunk sex. Lol fail on him.

Top comments

am I the only one reacting to the fact that he threw up after one bottle of wine?


My thanksgiving was my dad drinking a ton. Now my mom is making him move out tomorrow, and I'm barely even a teenager.

marisadc79 0

Gross. Hope you made him clean it up.

chinchillalex 0
SlickWillyTFCF 5

Only one bottle? That guy holds his booze about as well as a six-year old little girl.

BayleeWasHere 1

How is that nasy? We all throw-…oh wait, you can't drain it. SORRY (for the shower)!! xD

YdI for marrying such a pansy. Who barfs after lass than one bottles of wine?

Mr_Matsubayashi 7

Was it a 1.5 L or something? One 750 mL bottle of wine isn't much.

Oh good. It's not just me who thought that 1 bottle of wine was some pansy butt crap. For a minute I thought I was an alcoholic.