Happy Thanksgiving to you all

By emilyta - 24/11/2011 07:14 - United States

Today, my husband threw up in the shower after drinking almost a whole bottle of wine. The shower won't drain now. Happy Thanksgiving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 868
You deserved it 2 880

emilyta_fml tells us more.

I don't drink much and he wanted to have drunk sex. Lol fail on him.

Top comments

am I the only one reacting to the fact that he threw up after one bottle of wine?


irimalovecheer98 5

Do you have any Cola ?? Pour it in the shower, let it sit for about an hour Do NOT use Draino in a bathtub If you do read the bottle first

Well they always say the inside matters most.

FMLsOhilarious 6

I'm not really a drinker so correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it depend on what kind of wine he drank that would make it throw up so easily? Some of you are calling him light weight, but what if it was a really strong wine? Once again, correct me if I'm wrong.

TheDrifter 23

Yes and no. Some wines are stronger than others, but even a fortified wine rarely comes in over 20% alcohol (40 proof).

magnetic_aura 26

Most wines (in my personal experience, cheaper wines:

XavierMedina 0

Well there are tricks to make the shower drain like, you could use a plunger or a snake wire to fix it.

Happy holidays! Look on the bright side you will save money on the water bill now

Capt_Oblivious 10

Ah, the things that 'come up' on Thanksgiving.

Can't even finish a bottle of wine? Lightweight.

dubstepfreak123 0

At least he didnt throw up while you were in there with him:/