Happy Valentine's Day

By henhouse - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Australia - Brunswick East

Today, I lost my virginity. The most memorable aspect of it wasn't the fact that my boyfriend finished after two thrusts, but rather the fact that he first said, "The pilot has entered the cockpit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 615
You deserved it 3 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Lemme tell a similar story. Happened about an hour ago. I attempted to lose my virginity to the most beautiful girl on earth. Couldn't get it up.


A two pump man ! You've got a keeper ;)

at least he didn't call it "your little black box"...

I'm guessing he was a virgin as well?

summergirl69 16

I lost mine on the 10th of this month. My story isn't much better.

The aviation puns are strong with these commenters

Ran out of fuel on the runway is what it sounds like happened to him....no wait, he "ejected" before takeoff....bad pilot! Did you take his license & tell him he's forever in a "no fly" zone with you?

connaughty0225 16

All you need to be happy about op is that you felt like he was the right one.. The rest of it you can laugh about later