Hard veto on that one

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, my girlfriend named our daughter Aspen. Ass. Pen. When I hear her name I will always think of a pen in a butthole. No doubt her future classmates will too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 192
You deserved it 1 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most people hear Aspen and think of skiing or beautiful trees. How old are you??

Aspen is a cute name, I'm pretty sure it's rising in popularity, and it's the name of a common tree. I think you're being a bit weird about it.


Aspen is a cute name, I'm pretty sure it's rising in popularity, and it's the name of a common tree. I think you're being a bit weird about it.

julfunky 29

Exactly. The location is the first thing I think of when I hear it. Then the tree. Last thing I think of? An ass pen.

julfunky 29

Let me clarify: By the “last thing I think of” I’m not actually saying ass pen comes to mind. Just that IF it would, it would’ve been the last thing that does.

I think it's very, VERY rude that your girlfriend gave your daughter a name that you not both agreed on...

It's not like they didn't have lots of weeks to talk about this topic and it's also not a first come, first serve thing when the name is made official.

corky1992 33

I agree. Names should be decided on together.

Most people hear Aspen and think of skiing or beautiful trees. How old are you??

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It has nothing to do with white privilege. It’s a famous city in Colorado.

What the ****? How is going outside and learning the name of a plant white privilege? Or, if you don’t live near those kinds of trees, Google is a thing. I was 9 when I read my first book with a character named Aspen. The book cost $4.39 at a book fair. Even if you can’t afford $4.39 for a book, that 1) has nothing to do with what color you are, it just sucks, and 2) library cards are free, the series is called Mismantle.

Um.... even those of us that havent been to Aspen know about it. Thats not white privilege just knowing about it. And what 2 year old is gonna think of the word ASS when they hear someone's name?

7and7is 20

Way too young to raise a child. No matter his actual age.

I've never been to Aspen, nor do I ski, but I'm well-read enough to have heard of the city. That's not privilege, that's having a bit of smarts. And I don't know one tree from another, but I have heard of aspens. That's also what a bit of book learning will get ya. Sheesh.

why is she allowed to name your daughter without you having a say. she is just as much your daughter. You girlfriend should not have to right to give her a name you disagree with.

What makes you think she didn’t try to get name options from him? Maybe OP didn’t like any of the names but didn’t give her options he likes. Maybe OP gave her free reign of name picking and now doesn’t like the name chosen. We don’t know that she just picked a name without ever talking to him about it.

but that is a lot of maybes. what we DO know is that OP is not happy about their daughter's name but the wife chose it regardless. That is not a position any parent should really have to be in. So on that basis I am logically assuming that either the girlfriend didn't consult OP or did and ignored OP's decision. either way it is a one person naming process where one party is ignored and unhappy.

By the sound of OP, they aren’t married. Therefore she doesn’t have to include him in naming, or even on birth certificate, if she didn’t want to

maybe she doesn't have to legally but morally I think she absolutely should!

EarthsMightiestHeroes 20

In all my years of existing, and all my experience with the word "aspen", I have never, NEVER thought of a pen lodged in a rectum. You, sir, sound too immature to be having children.

Doesn't sound THAT weird to me, but unless you didn't tell her, why would she choose a name you didn't like?

To be honest, the first thing I think of is a tree, and then maybe aspirin, but not of asses nor pens stuck inside of them.

Am I the only one thinking that if you had married your girlfriend both of you would be picking out your daughter’s name.

tarabella 7

Nickname her Penny and make sure it sticks. Maybe that would be a bit better than...the alternative