Hard veto on that one

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, my girlfriend named our daughter Aspen. Ass. Pen. When I hear her name I will always think of a pen in a butthole. No doubt her future classmates will too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 193
You deserved it 1 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most people hear Aspen and think of skiing or beautiful trees. How old are you??

Aspen is a cute name, I'm pretty sure it's rising in popularity, and it's the name of a common tree. I think you're being a bit weird about it.


CrazyTrainWreck 19

Better than the name Bob. The letter B looks like a scrunched together 13. So have 13 in your name would be worse because it's so unlucky.

So if B looks like a 13, than O looks like a 0. So Bob would be 130b. There for it wouldn’t be unlucky, but an apartment number.

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Nope you just over thought it.

iamchazzi 8

This is by far the most random comment i have ever read

slkeithh 14

Aspen is a beautiful tree as well as an amazing place in the world, you should get out more often and rethink having any more children

rethink having children because they don't like a name? That sounds like an overreaction.

Rethink having children if he hears "Aspen"and thinks of a writing implement lodged in someone's rectum. That's a sign of someone too immature to have children or someone too stupid to have children.

Nefeli Const 4

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Lobby_Bee 17

You got a vivid imagination. What would you picture when you hear asshole? A hole that has an ass?

WeirdUS 29

You definitely sound way too immature to be having kids. I look forward to the inevitable post of them splitting over him doing something immature.

She’ll need one of those lower back tattoos, “Insert pens here!”

I'll pen this down ass "bad names for my daughter"...

Not if you actually say it right. I wonder how many reading this are named Aspen? Probably smashed the YDI button.