Hard veto on that one

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, my girlfriend named our daughter Aspen. Ass. Pen. When I hear her name I will always think of a pen in a butthole. No doubt her future classmates will too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 193
You deserved it 1 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most people hear Aspen and think of skiing or beautiful trees. How old are you??

Aspen is a cute name, I'm pretty sure it's rising in popularity, and it's the name of a common tree. I think you're being a bit weird about it.


Donut_Wizard 23

One day she will meet her soulmate, Penis Pencil.

How do you even think of those two words when hearing Aspen? That's pronounced entirely different...

well aspen should only sound like ass + pen if you have the pin/pen merger; hopefully her classmates don’t. either way it’s a lovely name so don’t worry about it too much

Ummm... so A. **** off. B. It's a beautiful name. C. It's a type of tree.

jello_bellied_snack_snapper 18

yeah I grew up near Aspen Colorado, and it definitely carries a good connotation

When you hear the word 'aspect' do you automatically think of a trouser-pecker-bird?

graywolf923 2

Are you daft? Aspen is likely the one and only most beautiful name for a girl. Lol. #

Due to the way it's written I wonder if it's a pronunciation thing. Like, instead of the standard pronunciation where the first syllable is stressed and the 'e' takes the monophthong 'I' sound (as in thin) she pronounces it with similar stress on each syllable and with the 'e' taking the 'e' sound (as in went). Hence the written "Ass. Pen." But I could just be making the post overly complex.

I just think of the crappy, brown Dodge station wagon I learned to drive in.